Sumatra – Single Origin


Koperasi Permata Gayo is a primary level cooperative based in the Northern state of Aceh in Sumatra. Created in 2006 by small holder coffee farming villages located in the Bener Merjah district.


A classic Indonesian, full bodied with a velvety texture and persistent finish.
Beautifully rounded earthy flavours.

Altitude - 1000 / 1800 MASL

Species - Arabica


Process - Semi Washed

Sumatra - Koperasi Permata Gayo

Berner Merjah is a lush mountains area. Coffee farms are intercropped with other cash crops such as pepper and jackfruit.

The country is famed for the farmers version of ‘Giling Basah’ coffee processing. Many still prize the distinctive taste profile from Sumatran semi-washed
coffees. The current processing methods are now refined and accentuate a more complex profile.

The cooperative members have pro-actively worked on investing their premiums received over the last decade into a number of social and environmental projects. Gender equity programmes saw the creation of women’s coffees for female headed households and micro credit courses to support business investments outside their coffee income.

Location - Bener Merjah, Sumatra , Indonesia

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